I always felt the need for a high speed wireless & portable internet device. The Reliance netconnect CDMA 1x I was using was really dead slow with a maximum speed of 15 KBps that too only at rare occasions. The normal speed is usually 4-5 KBps. I was plaaning to switch to Tata Indicom Photon but have to pull back due to it limited coverage. I was very excited when I came to know Reliance Netconnect Broadband+ which claims speeds of about 3.1 Mbps. Tough not sure if it could provide that speed I still opted for it coz I didn’t have a choice. The coverage is only in major cities but it still has the option to fall back to CDMA 1x if HSD is not available in the region. I bought the device on Sunday and got it activated in Tuesday. The speeds are really amazing. It reached upto 2 Mbps during downloads. But still the of availability of speed in the long term is doubtful.
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