A bunch of monkeys while traveling towards their destiny come across a big mountain. So one monkey tells, “This mountain is too big for us to climb, let us see if someone can help us”, the other one says “May be this is not our designated path, let us turn back”, one more starts to sleep for others to decide, one starts to do technical analysis of the risks involved and the net worth it can achieve by climbing the mountain. And there was one that started to climb without any thought. He fell many times for it never knew about the mountain. His friends at the bottom of the mountain laughed at him everytime he fell.

The monkey never minded what his friends said, he climbed and fell. But everytime he retried he was able to go one inch more for he knew why he fell the previous time. He made it at last to the top of the mountain. With sense of pride he looked at the other side. There was no way.. It was leading to no where.. Sadly he returned back… His friends asked eagerly what he saw and how they can get there. He said what he saw.

So one monkey said, “I told you this is not our path”. The other one said “We should have waited for someone else to climb, there was no point wasting our energy”. One more said “I knew this risk of failure and hence I never climbed”. The sleeping monkey woke up “So guys I had some time to rest. lets go..”. The monkey never bothered what the others said for it was happy it knew how to climb big mountains.


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