NDTV Ideas for change – My Opinion

I believe terrorism is not so simple to be left to government and public agencies to handle alone. It should be a responsibility of every citizen to fight against terrorism. But the proper education and direction is lagging.For road safety and industrial safety for example there is proper education and rules to follow. There are also guidelines to be followed in case of an accident. This helps avoid and minimize damages. There are well defined set of rules of what to do and what not do do for the respective roles we hold during a disaster. All I do right now is run away from a disaster and/or keep complaining the government and the authorities for not have acted in a proper way without even knowing the difficulties and complications of handling such situations. When applying some thought I feel I am a part of the government and hold responsibility for all that have happened. I believe a citizens responsibility doesn’t end with voting and tax paying. I want to do more as an educated citizen.I request all concerned to involve citizens in the fight against terrorism with the right education. A vigilant citizen can help avoid and reduce reduce terror attacks.


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